
NBC 2part TV Mini Series, Aired July 12/19,2009 ( When an unparalleled series of meteorites plummet to Earth, a scientist (Christopher Lloyd) and his assistant (Marla Sokoloff) race against time to provide vital information to Dr. Chetwyn (Jason Alexander), the only one who has the power to prevent the impending destruction. Meteor Part One Dr. Lehman an Astronomer/Astrophysicist at the observatory on the Baja of California in Mexico. He discovers with his assistant Imogene ONeill that the near Earth Asteroid Kassandra has been pushed off course by a collision with a comet. They contact a Doctor Chetwyn an Astrophysicist at the Jet Propulsion Labs who is working with a General at the near Earth object center to try and stop the collision with the Earth that will occur within a few days. We see a group of other stories involving people in California affected by the meteorites that are proceeding the major impact. This is part one of two. Part 2 As part two continues Imogene ONeill is still attempting to get to the authorities and warn them that Kassandra has broken in two. Stark continues to go after Jacks family at all costs and his body count continues to rise. In Taft the nuclear power station is hit by a meteorite and the Sheriff Crowe and his volunteers have to go out to check for radiation. The Hapscomb family and friends try to escape the wrecked hospital. Finally communications are failing worldwide and everyone is forced to rely on Morse Code to communicate.


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